October 16, 2024

Genesis 1:27

Verse 27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Just like verse 26 establishes the value and authority of humanity, verse 27 establishes the two distinctions of humanity. He made them male and female. He made them man and woman.

In Genesis 2 we are going to see more detail in the creation of man and woman and we are going to see how God designed a man and woman to come together in a marriage relationship.

But for right now Moses tells us that there are two distinctions, two genders of humans: male and female.

Gender identity is of course a huge topic in our culture today. But it is not a new topic created by a modern culture. It is a topic established by God at the very beginning of creation. God said I made humanity to be either male or female.

And so when we think about gender identity from a biblical perspective we need to think about the One who gives us that identity.

God is not only the author of gender, (it is His idea, its His creation) but He gave you your gender. He formed your physical body.

Psalm 139 says, “For you (David is speaking to God) formed my inward parts (including his male parts) you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

David is saying, you have made me just as you wanted me to be made. I am not a mistake. My mind, my heart and my body are aligned.

If you are a male, it is by God’s good and wonderfully design that he created you to be a male. If you are a female, it is by God’s good and wonderful design that he created you to be a female. He created you with intention and purpose.

In Jeremiah 1:5 God says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”  — and a part him knowing us is that he knew us and planned us and created us as male or he knew us and planned us and created us as female. And the works he prepared for us before we were born that Ephesians 2:10 talks about before we were born were works we would doing through the gender he created for us.

One of the realities of sin is that it distorts and corrupts. The method of Satan is that he deceives. As we are going to see in chapter 3 at the fall of creation is that Satan is going to say to Adam and Eve, “did God actually say don’t eat of this fruit?”

And that is what is happening in our culture today. Our sin nature is distorting and corrupting gender identity and Satan is whispering, “Did God actually say that males have to remain males and females have to remain females? Shouldn’t you just be like you feel like you are…”

And the theology of humanity is being rooted in the emotions and feelings of man rather than the word of God that tells us He created them male and female.